$397.00 USD

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This is where I post weekly training videos, challenges, and special tips. It's also where you can post your own footage and questions to get feedback from me and the rest of the community! 

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Dryfire Mastery: Competition Handgun

Get lifetime access RIGHT NOW to the most in-depth and detailed online competitive handgun course ever! 

  • Instant LIFETIME access to the Dryfire Mastery: Competitive Handgun
  • Over 20 BONUS drills from guest instructors!
  • Access to monthly live Q&A calls

Don't forget, I stand behind my courses with a money back guarantee!

Now, it's time to achieve your goals, so let's get started!


What People Are Saying:

People can't believe I go through less than 10,000 rounds a year in training! Joe's Dryfire Mastery has played a huge part in my success. Combining structured Dryfire with focused range time is my recipe for winning!

Varick Beiese - 2023 USPSA Multigun National Champion

"I've got all the books, but what I found that was really lacking in those, which Joe brings to the table, was a rigorous and disciplined schedule for me to work on."

Mark Stevens - USPSA & 3-gun competitor

"I'm not finished with it yet but I can already tell you, with the small stuff you're spilling and the overall amount of knowledge here, you're undercharging. Every instructor posts drills but you're spilling all their secrets and it's badass!"

Jason Knopp (Texas L.E. Instructor and USPSA Competitor)