Ready to dump rocket fuel on your shooting skills? 
Join now and start winning in 30 days or less! 

Get instant access to the training formula all the pros use to train... all while saving THOU$ANDS on ammo.


This is your opportunity to perfect your training routine, find the motivation to actually do it, and create the structure you NEED to level up! 

So how did we get here? 

I'm Joe Farewell.

When I started my journey into the world of competitive shooting over 10 years ago I was on a tight budget... I'm talking about a super tight budget. I didn't let that stop me though, instead I learned to analyze my performance and correct the issues through dryfire.

After much trial and error I've learned what actually works and the identified key training areas to master the competitive space and win matches across the country. 

My one-of-a-kind Competition Dryfire Mastery course includes over 70 videos breaking down everything you need to know to be successful in handgun competitions! 


You CAN unlock your full shooting potential without having to send thousands of rounds downrange!

With less than 15 minutes a day you can:

  • Understand what makes good shooters great.
  • Practice the custom-tailored dryfire regimen that helps me win matches. 
  • Learn proper technique as well as the reason WHY it's best to perform that way!
  • Have lifetime access to the course, and repeat it as many times as you'd like!

Yes, it really is possible to take your shooting to the next level in the next 30 days with ZERO ammo!

Hell yes! I want in!

It's time to STOP!

  • STOP repeating the same old boring drills.
  • STOP being lazy & skipping dryfire sessions 
  • STOP wasting ammo on fruitless range days.

Instead, let me guide you through a structured dryfire practice which will not only give you the keys to success but also give you the MOTIVATION TO ACTUALLY DO IT!


Dryfire Mastery: Competition Handgun

In this extensive online course, you'll get:

  • Over 40 dryfire drills with training guides ($650 value)

  • Live Q&A sessions ($1500 value)
  • Video breakdowns of EVERYTHING you need to know to crush your competition and accompanying resource text - ($1297 value)

  • A full understanding of HOW and WHY we train certain techniques - (Can you even put a price on that???)

  • Access to the private Facebook group ($29 value)

  • EXCLUSIVE bonus content, match footage, and training breakdowns JUST FOR YOU ($500 value)

  • Early access to new projects and products coming down the pipe!

That's a total of $3,976 in VALUE for only $397!

I want it all! SIGN ME UP!

See how other students are using the knowledge and skills from Dryfire Mastery to skyrocket their match performance:

These are only a *few* of some recent wins! I have hundreds of students who have successfully improved their match placement with the techniques and drills taught in Dryfire Mastery.

Nate Schmidt used the drills and instruction in Dryfire Mastery to overhaul and improve his shooting SO much that he was able to take home 3rd place in the world-renowned 2023 Gen III 3-Gun championship

Varick has been using Dryfire Mastery to supplement his live fire training and keeps winning award after award at various huge matches throughout the country!

"People can't believe I go through less than 10,000 rounds a year in training!
Joe's Dryfire Mastery has played a huge part in my success. Combining structured Dryfire with focused range time is my recipe for winning!"

- Varick Beiese
(2023 USPSA Multigun National Champion) 

"I've taken hundreds of courses, both online and in person. Joe's Dryfire Mastery courses are the most professional and in depth look at dryfire I've ever experienced! You will NOT be disappointed."

- Myles Vives (Founder of Tactical Hyve, USPSA & 3 Gun Competitor)

"I've got all the books, but what I found that was really lacking in those, which Joe brings to the table, was a rigorous and disciplined schedule for me to work on."

- Mark Stevens 
(USPSA & 3-Gun Competitor, Team Atlas Gunworks)

A Sample of What You'll See In The Course...

MODULE 1 - Lesson 3

Gear Talk... What do you need?

MODULE 3 - Lesson 4

Mastering the Draw

MODULE 3 - Lesson 11

Mechanical Skill #4 - Malfunctions

MODULE 4 - Lesson 3

Drill: Focal Shift

MODULE 4 - Lesson 16

Drill: Transitioning during a reload

MODULE 5 - Lesson 14

Drill: Stage Planning Development 



This Course Is For You If...

  • You need motivation to ACTUALLY DRYFIRE!

  • You want to make the most of your limited time for training.

  • You don't want to fall behind because of your budget.

  • You need help with structuring your training sessions. 

Dryfire Mastery: Competition Handgun Virtual Course

Only $397

$3,976 VALUE!


I'm 100% confident that your shooting will improve if you follow the course and put in the work.

This is why I offer a satisfaction guarantee.

If at any time you believe that you're not getting the value you're paying for, contact me and I will do whatever I can to assist you through any issues you have or refund your money..